Traffic Escort in Bangkok

Lifestyle | Offered in English, Chinese, Bahasa, Thai

Price per person:  S$320.00

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Hosted by Jo

Joined since September 2019

" Travelling to Thailand for almost 8 years. I've been always looking forward to my trip. But the moment I am ready to set off from the airport to my stay. The traffic always turn my mood 360. So after many years of negotiation. I managed to arrange traffic escort by law enforcer to expedite the whole journey. I believe there is no one who hates Thailand unless you are the special one. Thus, since I can enjoy such service. I would like to extend my service to other fellow tourists who wants to have a unique experience in Thailand.Note that there are few different type of escorts available. Below are the list:*Price stated here in my experience is only for Point 1**Other services you need to send me a message to know more about the price.1. One Big Motorbike2. Two Big Motorbike3. One Motor Vehicle4. One Big Motorbike & One Motor Vehicle "

1 hour

Age: 21+


Guest/s: 12